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Wakfu: 1x8

Xav the Baker

Following a very delicious smell, the group finds a man attacking a beast made entirely out of bread. They mistake the man for the attacker, only to later find out that the man, a innocent baker named Xav, was attacked by Breadnaughts who were after the rare Golden Wheat stored in his barn. Before the attack, Xav was going to enter a bread baking contest with the special wheat which is thought to produce exquisite bread. Wanting to fix their mistake, Yugo decides to help Xav make the bread while the others harvest the wheat. They enter the competition and with Yugo’s help, Xav wins. The Breadnaught inadvertently reveals that she is Chouquette, Xav’s father’s former apprentice, and that she was after the wheat because she is in love with her master and wanted him to win.

Wakfu: 1×8
Feb. 28, 2009

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