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DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 3x17

Guest Starring John Noble

With the timeline barely stable, the Legends must tackle two anachronisms at the same time to try and keep Mallus at bay. Sara and Rip team up to stop Grodd from going after a particular target leaving Nate and Wally to stop Amaya from changing her future. Meanwhile, the Legends think they have found a way to destroy Mallus, but they will have to create an uneasy alliance with one of their enemies.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 3×17
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 3×17
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 3×17
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 3×17
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 3×17
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 3×17
Apr. 02, 2018

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