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The Challenge: 2x4

The Joint is Jumping

We start back with Janet still freaking out at the top. Her hands have formed into fists and they won’t open. The Bungee Master tells her that she is having some sort fo spasms. She still wants to jump but he tells her to go back down, rest alittle, and she can come back up. Back on the boat, Kefla and Roni start freaking out that it isn’t fair that Janet got to come back down. The Bungee Master finally stops all the fighting by telling them that it wasn’t her choice to come back down, it was his. Kayle goes up and gets no rings. Nathan tells Beth and Montana that if Anne gets any rings they’re gonna have to jump and they refuse. Anne jumps and gets one ring giving Road Rules a one ring lead. Janet finally recovers and jumps, she doesn’t get a ring, but that doesn’t matter to the team who is happy that she faced her fear. The pressure has come down to Beth and Montana, Montana doesn’t want to jump cause it’s her worst fear and Beth doesn’t want to do a one legged jump.

The Challenge: Season 2 Episode 4
Nov. 30, 1998

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