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Dinosaurs: 2x17

A New Leaf

After a big fight with Earl and Robbie, Robbie leaves the house to calm his nerves with Spike. The two end up eating strange plants that causes them to become happy. Later Robbie brings the plants to Earl, the next morning he becomes happy and the two become more silly. Earl later comes to work late, Richfield calls Earl to his office and fires him for good. Then Earl leaves the plant for Richfield. The family becomes very happy and silly except for Fran and Baby. Fran demands that Earl goes back to get his job back immediately. But to find out Richfield was into the plants to. Fran and Baby decided that they couldn’t take anymore of the situation and went to Monica’s house for the others to straighting up and get themselves together. Earl, Robbie and Charlene both calmed down and were back to normal.

Dinosaurs: 2×17
Feb. 05, 1992

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