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Wayward Pines: 1x4

One of Our Senior Realtors Has Chosen to Retire

Ethan is appointed to a leadership role in Wayward Pines and his first act, according to Nurse Pam, should be to call a reckoning for Peter McCall for his treasonous act of graffiti on Main Street. Ben receives private tutoring from Megan Fisher on his first day of school. Theresa is offered a job as a real-estate agent.

Wayward Pines: 1×4
Wayward Pines: 1×4
Wayward Pines: 1×4
Wayward Pines: 1×4
Wayward Pines: 1×4
Wayward Pines: 1×4
Wayward Pines: 1×4
Wayward Pines: 1×4
Wayward Pines: 1×4
Wayward Pines: 1×4
Jun. 04, 2015

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